Special Education
The Math Facts Fixer Program was originally created by the author specifically for her special education students. Therefore, although the program is now designed for all learners in all classrooms, it is no surprise that challenged learners are incredibly successful. Students and teachers see progress on a daily basis and monitoring with data collection is easy.
Stories of Success
Special Ed Math Class: A Great Success Story from 5th Grade
I love your Math Facts Fixer!! One of my students is so classic LD with letter reversals, slow processing, horrible decoding, etc., plus ADHD. He was placed in my math class for basic skills. I started the MFF on the very first day, with the promise and a hand shake that he would know his facts by the end of the year. The program worked for him and he loved it because finally he was successful at something. As he saw success, he tried even harder to know the patterns. He showed progress in multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions. In fact, he became the top of my 6 students. When he took the MAP test, he scored a 224 - up from 204 in the fall. Today we moved him into the regular ed math class. He is like a peacock, so proud that he is in that class. He is confident, raising his hand and answering questions. I am so happy for him as a door has been opened.
Pleased Parent: My Daughter's 4th Grade Math Fact Fixer Experience
My daughter is 11 years old and in 4th grade. She has a learning disability and has to work hard to hover around grade level. However, the impressing thing is that she never learned anything with as much ease as the multiplication patterns. And she has retained them! She just recently had her 3 year testing and the results were exciting. Even though she has a processing delay, on the timed test of simple addition, subtraction and multiplication problems, multiplication was pretty solidly in the average range! I can tell you that is due to your math fact program!
Middle School Teacher
I work with 6th grade special education students at a Middle School. I learned your program a few years ago at a Regional Office of Education workshop. I have been using it ever since and I am thrilled with the results. The kids don't believe me when I tell them that with this program, they will know their facts and know them well. It comes true and the best part is it opens up math to them. When they know their facts, they suddenly can do more math easily.
High School Teacher
This is a great program for kids who struggle in basic algebra. The students enjoyed the program as a daily warm up to our class. This program would work well in any intervention program for kids who fail.
And Finally - RTI
When RTI data is needed, it is very easy to monitor student progress daily, weekly or at designated assessment points within the program. No special preparation is needed as tracking can be taken from the daily work that all students complete.